Please view the PDF version of the letter here.
Dear Taylor School District families and staff,
As a result of changes in isolation and quarantine guidance from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and the Wayne County Health Department (WCHD), effective Jan. 12, the following procedures will be used as it relates to COVID-19 in schools.
We will continue to require masks in all school settings and the daily screener will need to be reviewed each day.
Positive COVID-19 Cases
For students and staff that test COVID-positive, the updated minimum quarantine/isolation time is five days (please continue to contact your school to inform them of a positive COVID-19 test and receive an accurate return date). Students and staff are eligible to return to school on their return date if symptoms are improving or no symptoms have developed. To return to school an individual must be fever free after their five-day quarantine period for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.
Close Contact Exposure
In-School Setting Exposure
(exposure to someone at school who tested positive for COVID-19)
Per the Wayne County Health Department, contact tracing is no longer required as it relates to in-school COVID-positive cases, however:
- We will continue to update our COVID-19 dashboard daily and make it available to you on our website and on Facebook for informational purposes related to COVID-19 in our district.
- All students and staff currently quarantined as a result of a close contact in school settings, being exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in schools, and are symptom free, you are eligible for return immediately.
- High-risk situations that still need contact tracing include early childhood programs and specific special education settings where masking is more challenging and students may have mask exemptions. Students and staff of Johnson Early Childhood Center will continue with their original return-to-school date.
Out-of-School Setting Exposure
(exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 at home or in an out-of-school setting)
There are no changes for close contacts that occur outside of the school setting. If a student or staff member is a close contact to a COVID-positive case in the home, (or otherwise outside of school), current CDC expectations of 10 days of quarantine will be followed. Please contact your school for an accurate return date if you are exposed outside of school.
These changes by the MDHHS and WCHD are meant to keep students in school where they learn best. They are only possible because of our multi-layered mitigation strategies:
- Universal masking for all within the school setting will continue to be strictly enforced.
- Students and staff are required to review our daily COVID-19 screener.
- Students and staff that are not feeling well should stay home from school. Our teachers and building principals will do all they can to make sure that nobody falls behind.
- Social distancing to the extent possible will continue to be practiced.
- Frequent handwashing and good hygiene practices will continue.
- Per the MDHHS, it is recommended that all students, teachers, and staff age 5 and up get vaccinated, and that students, teachers, and staff age 12 and up receive their booster as soon as they’re eligible.
As a reminder, we do not know what tomorrow will bring. By preparing ourselves now, we can ensure our students and staff are ready if we need to make the switch to remote learning.
We know that this pandemic has been a challenge for everyone. We understand the frustration all of you are experiencing. We are experiencing the same frustration. Navigating through the last two years together has helped us keep our students and staff safe. We know that a majority of our students learn best in person, and we will continue to follow recommendations given to schools across our state by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and the Wayne County Health Department.
Thank you.
Griff Mills
Taylor School District