Testing updates for Griffin Families
Happy Friday all. In the next few weeks, we are administering several important assessments.
No school Monday, January 15
iReady diagnostic #2
Tuesday, January 16 during 6th and 7th hour in the student’s Griffin Hour.
Wednesday January 17 during 1st and 2nd hour in the student’s Griffin Hour.
Students have made plans and goals in their Griffin Hour for their success on this assessment. Please encourage them to do their best and that phones are not permitted during the test. Students must have their Chromebooks for this, charged.
Final Exams
January 25: hours 1, 2, 3. ½ day of school, dismissal at 10:35 am.
January 26: hours 4, 5, 6. ½ day of school, dismissal at 10:35 am.
Semester 2 starts on Jan. 29.
NAEP assessment
February 1: session 1 8:00-10:00, session 2 11:30-1:30
This is for a randomly selected group of 12th grade students. These students and families have been notified.
Families and Parents! Please read over this information about your Griffin-information about grades, attendance, transcripts, test scores. Please use this to help support your Griffin’s success!